Aminet 4
Aminet 4 - November 1994.iso
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MUI Calc 1.25 by Robert Poole
1. What is it?
MUI Calc is a calculator program for the Workbench (or other public
screen) that utilizes Stefan Stuntz's Magic User Interface (or MUI
for short). It's an RPN calculator with a stack shown in a listview
gadget which can be as deep as available memory.
Why another calculator program?
(1) The one that comes with Workbench is simplistic.
(2) IntuiCalc, the replacement of choice, causes severe Enforcer
(3) I needed to teach myself some basic features of MUI programming.
(4) MCalc 1.1, also known as MuiProCalc 1.1, is an atrocious example of
MUI programming. I felt obligated to offer a much improved version of
my own program as an alternative to MuiProCalc.** I think you'll find
the interface of my program to be much less arcane and confusing.
* Since I first released MUI Calc 1.0, the author of IntuiCalc came out
with an "IntuiCalc-MUI," which is functionally identical to the original
IntuiCalc but uses MUI for the user interface. I can't find any Enforcer
hits in the new program. Still, I prefer this style of calculator to the
kind that IntuiCalc offers. The original version of IntuiCalc-MUI had a
bug in his interface which made it impossible to enter the digit '8'
from the keyboard! This has been fixed in IntuiCalc-MUI 1.1. I still
don't like the interface for a number of reasons, but this is mostly
personal bias, tempered with my understanding of GUI design.
** I find it amusing that there was an explosion of calculator programs
after I released MUI Calc 1.0. I also wonder at the author of
MuiProCalc 1.1, who named the archive MCalc11.lha, so similar to the
name of the Aminet archive of MUI Calc 1.0. Coincidence? You be the
judge. At any rate, I have bumped my revision number past 1.2 to avoid
any confusion with MuiProCalc. At any rate, MCalc 1.3 appeared on Aminet
recently, and I tried it out. It still stinks. I was tempted to give
this new version of MUI Calc a version number beyond 1.3 to stay "ahead"
of MCalc, and to continue avoiding confusion, but I decided that this
would be stupid.
2. What is this RPN stuff anyway?
Reverse Polish Notation. So called because this famous Polish
mathematician (Jan Lukasiewicz, but with a / through the L, so that it
is pronounced something like Wookashye'veech) invented a notation
which requires no parentheses. He used a kind of prefix notation,
where the operation precedes the operands. Most calculators in the HP
vein use a postfix notation, hence the "Reverse" part. (If it weren't
for the HP28 Owner's Manual, I'd never be able to remember this guy's
Therefore, to use the calculator, you enter operands on the stack
and then select the operation. For instance, 5 ENTER 6 ENTER +
will put 5 on the stack, then 6, and then add them, leaving the
result (11, hopefully) on the stack.
3. OK, so this calculator is sort of like an HP calculator. How is it
*not* like an HP?
Please note that this calculator, like the HP28S and its successors, uses
a strict postfix notation. Earlier HP calculators used prefix notation
for certain special functions, such as STO. Unline the HP28S and its
successors, this calculator doesn't offer programmability and non-float
data types. Go buy an HP48G or GX if you need either of those features,
or buy Maple V.
4. Is there any weird behavior I should know about?
Some of the stack operations require multiselection of items; for
other stack operations, this is optional.
SWAP requires you to multiselect exactly two elements in the stack
to swap. You must shift-mouseclick on each of them, since in MUI
applications, the listview gadget makes a distinction between the
"active" item and "selected" items. (Merely clicking on an item
will only make it active, not selected.) (Yes, I know, there is an
option available to the programmer to automatically make the active
element selected as well. I didn't think this was appropriate.)
DUP doesn't require you to select an element to duplicate; it defaults
to the bottom element on the stack. If you do select an element,
though, that one will get duplicated. Multiselecting several items to
duplicate will work just fine.
ROLL takes the "top" element of the stack and rotates it down to the
Please note that this stack is built by inserting elements at the
physical bottom, meaning that the bottom of the stack is logically
the top. If this seems confusing, just play with the calculator, all
shall become clear.
5. Can you clarify the logarithmic notation you use?
Sure. There's been a lot of confusion in the math community lately over
what notation to use. I guess now the standard is "log" to denote the
natural log; subscripts are used for all bases aside from e. However,
I learned the notation "ln" for natural log early on, and that's what I've
stuck with because it makes a little more sense. I guess slide rules
and tables of logarithms aren't too hip anymore, so "log" for log base 10
has fallen into disfavor; however, that's the convention I use as well.
As for "lg," that denotes log base 2, which many computer scientists out
there might recognize. "exp" denotes the exponential, e raised to the x
power. All other exponential functions, such as 2^x or 10^x, can be done
by entering the arguments onto the stack and using the x^y button. (Note:
the base is pushed onto the stack first, then the exponent.)
6. Hey! How come when I try to find 8!, I get 40319.99999206 instead of
Simple. The x! function on the calculator is actually computing
Gamma(x + 1). I suppose I could put in a special case to test for
integer arguments, but this calculator treats everything as floats anyway,
so why give special treatment to pseudo-integers for one special function?
At any rate, x! will overflow the limits of a double precision float
when x > 170, and probably isn't completely reliable for x > 30. For big
values, you should be computing a function which is actually
log(Gamma(x)), but I haven't implemented that -- this is supposed to be
a desk calculator with some scientific functions. Well, OK, a lot of
scientific functions. Just be happy I gave you an x! which works over all
reals (except negative integers).
7. Is this program Shareware or what?
This version of MUI Calc is giftware.
Version 1.0 really wasn't worth money whatsoever. Version 1.25 is much
more cleanly written, has many more features, and to be honest, is
probably far worthier of distribution. Still, I can't expect people to
pay serious money for it. So... Tell you what. I'd be happy to get
postcards, letters, you name it. I like hearing from people.
A contribution of US$5 (or more, I'm not one to refuse charity) will be
most welcome. Hey, I'm a starving grad student. :-) Please don't send
cash though for obvious reasons.
Future versions of MUI Calc will probably be rewritten in C++ to take
advantage of the reuse of code.
8. What's new since version 1.0?
Lots of stuff. The program has been recompiled using the MUI 2.0
includes. I've improved much of the basic logic of the program, such
as the formatting of numbers being printed on the stack. I now use a
paging group to swap in sets of buttons which perform different
mathematical functions (trig, log, etc.) The contents of the stack
can be printed, either to PRT: or to another device or file. I
stripped out all debugging information, removed code dependent on
stdio, and enabled optimization for size, chopping executable size in
half. (What a gas, I add more functionality and get a smaller program
in the bargain.) I now use a custom image for the iconified state. I
also threw in more sanity checks. (You can still crash it if you try
hard enough. I'm not going to tell you how.) Oh, yes, it auto-detaches
from the CLI now.
9. How do I contact the author?
Robert Poole
300 South Street Apt. G5
Vernon, CT 06066
10. Distribution
I specifically grant distribution rights to Fred Fish, for inclusion in
his CD-ROM collection. This package is freely distributable providing
that all files found in this archive are included. That means the binary
executable muicalc, the documentation (this file), MUI.readme,
and all associated icons and support files.
11. Legal Stuff
MUI Calc is Copyright © 1993, 1994 by Robert Poole, all rights reserved.
MUI is Copyright © 1993, 1994 Stefan Stuntz.
All other copyrights and trademarks belong to their respective owners.